Karaoke Fun!
Karaoke Fun!

Singing and Fighting the Jitters!

Title: Singing and Fighting the Jitters!
Date: 10/20/15

Having a Karaoke party may sound like fun yet a little intimidating! Who do I know who can sing? Who do I know who would even want to try and sing? Can I sing in front of other people? Will I be okay or too tense to even enjoy singing a song? Well, here are some tips on steps to relax and let it go!

First, have you ever heard the expression “it’s all in your mind?” This is a powerful concept! One of the things that can go through our mind when doing something out of our comfort zone is the fear of failing or being made fun of. Fear can range from being a little nervous, all the way up to a paralyzing terror. The good news is we can control this! Think about the following theory: “Fear is a push strategy – it is often best followed up with something that pulls a person towards the desired objective.” –   Changing Works

We can push through the fear and have it pull towards an identified goal. A technique to help reduce the fear is to focus on the song and your emotional connection; feel the song. To help encourage and bring about a positive emotion, focus on the people around you who are supportive – the people who cheer you on. Next, download the songs you have identified to sing and practice, practice, practice! Try and emulate how the artist sings the song, with all the inflections. Later, once you are very comfortable, you can add your own inflections and make it yours.

Source: http://www.karaokemachinecritics.com/heres-a-little-helping-hand-with-karaoke-night-jitters/